Saturday, November 19, 2011

How I "felt" the magic.................

I suppose this is the spot where I'm supposed to write something...........but where do I start from?? Let's see... It all started yesterday.........NO!! That's another story and I'll have to post pictures and stuff, so unless I get the hang of this, I'll just have to stick to writing - bear with me for a bit!!

It really all started about two years ago, the first time I rolled my very own felt ball and made my first dreadlock........the energy exchange between me and the wool was so positive- most likely because I was working with a "live" raw material, wool,  in which no animal had been killed or slaughtered for. I felted balls and needle felted  little flowers all over my clothes for a while until  I discovered the magic of nuno felting.......

I was tantalized with the realization that there are no boundaries, and with nuno, the sky is the limit..........I had my canvas, paintbrush and full anticipation to see the final result.

Anticipation..........that's what keeps me up till 3am because wool has a mind of its own. You can only do so much- eventually the wool makes it's final decision and goes every which way it chooses to!!! So, a touch of mystery is what keeps me on my toes!!!

I have experimented with almost everything synthetics, shibori, tulle, silk paper, angelina fiber, wenslydale, alpaca (which most of the time ended up as a hairy mess)- and I have millions of things to still try out..........I've thrown away a lot of projects when I'm in "experiment" mode and have ended up with a huge recycling bin- much bigger than my bag of completed successes!!
Most importantly I want to thank two extremely talented women who, without their help and guidance, I would have never "felt the magic". Thank you Terri Pike for your wonderful you tube presentations and patience to answer my million and one questions via e-mail!! You can visit Terri's site at  for in detail tutorial/seminars. I found them extremely enlightening!! And Katharine Huggett aka "wonderwoman" (who I still don't believe lives on the same planet I do- when we have 40 degree heat waves and it's snowing in her neighborhood!!) Both of these women have been my inspiration and mentors with their kind generosity, patience, open heartedness and expertise!!! Thank you tons!!!!

I want to thank my dear friends (you all know who you are) for giving me good slap upside the face and getting this show on the road. Finally, after what seems like forever, I'm starting to feel the first sparks of inspiration and creativity again, so I'm pulling my bag of projects out of the dark closet of my mind. We all need a good kick in the butt to shift into gear sometimes so thanks for the boot guys!! Anywayz,  I've been waxing too many glass bottles and painting too many mandalas on rocks lately..............

Thus the birth of this blog!!I originally wanted to call it "Liquid Sky", because that's what a nuno felted scarf looks like to me but after the flash of Mz. P. Floyd's gnarly teeth I decided to go with something more conventional. It probably will end up being a liquid sky eventually.......

So to all my crafty friends, fans and followers, please feel free to post your creations, constructive criticism, comments etc etc etc..........(now all I have to do is figure out how to upload pictures- then I get to tell you the story about yesterday!!!)  


  1. Great job on the blog, Angela!! Lots of great pics and posts. Keep it up!


    P.S. Can you put a link to for me?

  2. Sure Terri!! You've always been so helpful and generous!! I've got you up top in the links I follow. I'll be taking a look at it again because I need to refresh my memory.........I've been MIA for quite a bit!!

  3. Cool!! I managed to get you underlined in the paragraph as well!! :)
