While away on my hiatus from felting, due to the"higher powers" that I have no control over, I have been waxing glass bottles and painting mandalas on rocks. What does this have to do with felting?? Absolutely nothing!! What I'm trying to say is that as long as I'm creating something, I'm also emptying the garbage that my mind picks up during the whole day!! It's amazing how long I can stare at an open flame melting wax and crayons and thinking about absolutely nothing. Just me, some good music, Nag Champa incense and melting colors..........wonderful meditation!! Now I get to use them as props for my work!! Before that I was in my "fractal phaze" creating all these psychedelic pictures with the use of pure mathematics. (see my slide show). Yeah, sure, for a computer graphics freak they seem pretty dull but to me it's a big deal especially since math isn't one of my favorite subjects!! Here I have a nuno felted silk scarf made of 100% merino and sari silk. The silk is what gives it that stained glass effect.
One of these days, I'm gonna felt that dog!!!!!!!......................
Here's another pic with one of my many futile attempts at shibori nuno felting. The scarf shrank up to infant size but with a funky pin it could make a great neck warmer. The bottles are pretty cool, eh??
Speaking of futile attempts at shibori, here's another scarf that came out semi decent with uddles of bubbles on the ends. After this I decided to give up shibori for a while- for my mental sanity- because it was driving me crazy not being able to get it right!! Now I have an idea of what I'm supposed to do so hopefully I will manage to shibori properly without going insane!!

One of these days, I'm gonna felt that dog!!!!!!!......................
Here's another pic with one of my many futile attempts at shibori nuno felting. The scarf shrank up to infant size but with a funky pin it could make a great neck warmer. The bottles are pretty cool, eh??
Speaking of futile attempts at shibori, here's another scarf that came out semi decent with uddles of bubbles on the ends. After this I decided to give up shibori for a while- for my mental sanity- because it was driving me crazy not being able to get it right!! Now I have an idea of what I'm supposed to do so hopefully I will manage to shibori properly without going insane!!

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